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File a Complaint

The West San Gabriel Valley REALTORS® (WSGVR) is here to help resolve your ethics and/or arbitration complaints against our REALTOR® members. 

Should you like to submit a complaint against one of our members please fill out this form. 

If you have complaints against real estate brokers and salespersons accused of misleading or defrauding consumers or if you have complaints against subdividers accused of violating subdivision laws, please CLICK HERE to file a complaint with the Department of Real Estate. 

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Your Information
Please provide Information about yourself

Name of person filing complaint

Last name of person filing complaint

You're real estate number

I am a:

Buyer Agent
Listing Agent
Member of the Public
Their Information
Please provide information about the other party

Name of the person you're filing a complaint against

Name of the person you're filing a complaint against

Complaint Summary

Please select the course of Action you would like to take 

(Select all that apply)

Speak to an Ombudsman
File a formal Ethics Complaint
File an Arbitration Complaint
Request Mediation

Please provide a short summary of the complaint.

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